Welcome to Healing Vibrations!

About: Healing Vibrations


Welcome To Healing Vibrations

Holistic Healing Vision

Healing Vibrations is a safe and transformative space for all those who seek liberation from recurring and existing unresolved issues – be it mental, emotional, physical, psycho-somatic, or psycho-spiritual.

This platform abundantly consists of a wide array of healing techniques and modalities which are used dedicatedly for holistic wellbeing of the client.

These powerful techniques are used in a unique way, which cater to specific aspects of each client's individual issues in a customized manner.

HEALING occurs when we discover, resolve and ignite the flame of clarity and develop understanding on our deepest unconscious issues. All that has ever been and all that is, are VIBRATIONS at the deeper levels. We work towards raising the vibrations and trigger Deep Healing.


The Founder : Healing Vibration

Healer Is Within You

Mr. Vimal Anand Gupta is a certified clinical hypnotherapist and Regression therapist. He has also mastered the skill of Life between Life therapy, Theta Healing, Spirit Release therapy, Soul Retrieval, Aura cleansing, Crystal Healing, Energy chakra healing, Mind-body balancing, Emotional Release therapy, Transpersonal healing, Inner child work, Core-issue resolution, balancing Energy Vastu and releasing Geo-pathic stress.
His core competency is to facilitate holistic healing by integrating and using various Therapeutic tools during Healing sessions. He has learnt these techniques from Internationally renowned Therapists and Healers. He is doing healing work for the last 14 years and large number of people have benefitted and experienced a positive transformation in their lives.
Mr. Vimal Anand Gupta has done M.A., M. Phil. in Political Science from Panjab University, Chandigarh. He passed Indian Civil Services exam in 1985 and started his professional career as Asstt. Commissioner of Police in Delhi police in 1986.
With experience and meritorious service, his career progressed and he is now Jt. Commissioner of Police in I.P.S. cadre (UT) posted in Delhi. As an acknowledgement of his dedicated services, he was awarded Presidential Police Medal for meritorious service in the year 2013.
During his professional life as a police officer, he had to handle and encounter vast variety of crime scenes involving Murders, Rapes, Child abuses, physical traumas, mental disorders, Relationship Issues, Domestic violence, suicides, social conflicts, aggressive agitations, riots and numerous delinquent behavior, to name a few.
These and other crime displayed the dark side of Mental, emotional, Physical and psycho-energetic charges in the victims as well as the perpetrators of crime. Whole range of human's emotions and pathological behavior like Anger, Greed, Lust, Revenge, Anxiety, Stress, Depression, personality disorders, Grief, Guilt, fear, mood swings and emotional Resilience were observed by him to be involved in crime.
The focus of Mr. Vimal Anand Gupta shifted to understand Human Mind and its behavioural aspects more deeply. He realized that every criminal act displayed pathological behavior requiring Deep Healing.
Upon realizing that healing involves balancing of Mind, Body and Soul, he has been studying all relevant literature in the field of Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, spirituality, Human energy system and various Healing modalities for the last 25 years and more.
In order to help people and do actual practice, he started specializing and doing professional courses to master numerous Therapeutic tools and Healing Modalities, from the year 2006. Since then, he is practicing healing as a Life passion along with his professional career.
He has already facilitated scores of people from different walks of life in their ‘Self-healing’. According to him, healing is ultimately a ‘Self-healing’ process, in which client chooses to heal himself or herself by taking this responsibility with absolutely strong intention. Healing energies lie within you awaiting external facilitators to unleash it and help you help yourself.

What is Healing

Discover - Resolve - Transform

Human being is basically an energy being encompassing bio-electromagnetic vibrations resonating with different frequencies in the phenomenal world. Harmonious resonance brings energy balance. Any disruption of this balance causes a state of 'dis-ease' in a person.

There are and can be multiple causal factors for the development and manifestation of various diseases and pathological state in a person. Generally, numerous residual mental, emotional, physical and ethric charges retained in the sub-conscious mind and cellular memory due to existential experiences and life Fixed mental patterns, belief system, situation bring disharmony and diseases.

Engramms, postulates, fragmentation of soul-mind due to past trauma, alienation, disassociation, emergence of multiple sub-personalities, alter-personalities, spirit attachments, obsessions and possessions of various types can also be the causal factors of psycho-somatic diseases. Usually, there is never a single factor for any disease. Various past residual charges get enmeshed and form a 'psychological knot and cause various diseases and illnesses by disturbing a balance between Body, Mind and Soul.


Healing is the process of restoring this balance. By utilizing various therapeutic tools, the real cause of pathological problem is discovered through investigation and released and healed during healing session. Energy blocks are removed. Mental, emotional, physical and energetic residual charges get released and personal boundaries are restored. In fact, healing achieves catharsis and restores energy balance. It is a great release and relief.

Healing is achieved through understanding and learning. Once the real cause of disease comes in the conscious awareness and understood in the right perspective a great insight is developed and learning of soul takes place. Once this is achieved healing energy is unleashed from within and healing takes place. Healing is also an dynamic process which brings change in old destructive behavior patterns, attitudes, feelings, perceptions interpretations of inter-personal communication, undue expectations, self sabotaging belief systems, unnecessary worries, fears, phobias, emotional pain and anything and everything which causes suffering to the person. Hangovers of problematic past get processed and resolved. New behavior patterns, a more realistic view point of life circumstances, greater self-esteem and sense of worth and improved communication is achieved.



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Years Of Practice



Total Cases Resolved

About Us

Healing Vibrations is a safe and transformative space for all those who seek liberation from recurring and existing unresolved issues – be it mental, emotional, physical, psycho-somatic, or psycho-spiritual.

Our Hours

  • Weekdays
    11:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday
    11:00 - 18:00
  • Sunday


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